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proc(ess)-that - easy extendable etl tool for nodejs written in typescript.

Basically instantiate the Etl class and add extractors (which pull data from a datasource), transformers (which process the extracted data) and loaders (they load the results into a sink).

A basic, hypothetic example could be: "Load data from a JSON array, snake_case all properties and store those objects into a mongoDB."

The package is written in typescript but can be used in plain javascript as well.

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import {Etl} from 'proc-that';

new Etl()
    .addExtractor(/* class that implements Extractor */)
    .addTransformer(/* class that implements Transformer */)
    .addLoader(/* class that implements Loader */)
    .subscribe(progress, error, success);

After all objects are extracted, transformed and loaded, the .start() observable completes and the process is finished.

Below is a list if extractors and loaders that are already implemented. Feel free to implement your own extractor / transformer / loader and contribute it to this list with a PR.


Name Description Link
proc-that-rest-extractor Extract objects from GET requests https://github.com/smartive/proc-that-rest-extractor


Name Description Link
proc-that-elastic-loader Load transformed objects into elasticsearch https://github.com/smartive/proc-that-elastic-loader

Implement your own

To ease up implementing your own extractors / transformers or loaders, just create a new repository and install proc-that as a dev-dependency. This package contains the needed definition files for the interfaces you need to create the extensions.

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