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Models of kind 'entity', 'object', 'interface' (see the docs on models) have an option called fields.

const modelDefinitions: ModelDefinitions = [
kind: 'entity',
name: 'User',
fields: [
// Fields

export const models = new Models(modelDefinitions)


Fields can have various kinds, based on the field kind:

Primitive fields

Primitive fields are fields where kind is either undefined or set to 'primitive'. They can have the following type:

  • ID
  • Boolean
  • String with optional fields stringType and maxLength
  • Int with optional fields intType
  • Float with optional fields floatType, double, precision, scale
  • Upload


name: 'Person',
fields: [
type: 'String',
name: 'name',
type: 'Int',
name: 'name',


When kind is enum. Requires as type the name of a separately defined model of kind 'enum'. Has optional field possibleValues to allow only a subset of available values in mutations.


When kind is custom. Requires as type the name of a separately defined model of kind 'object'.

If this is an entity field, graphql-magic will not try to fetch the result from the database and instead assume the presence of a custom resolver for this field and .


This kind is only available in entity fields. When kind is json, graphql-magic assumes that this is a json column in the database and returns the data as is. The type needs be the name of a separately defined model of kind object that describes the structure of the JSON.


This kind is only available in entity fields. When kind is relation, the field describes a link to an entity table. The type therefore needs to be the name of a model of kind 'entity'.


Fields generally have the following options:


Fields can have various kinds, which affect other available options. Available kinds:

  • undefined or 'primitive'
  • 'enum'
  • 'custom'
  • 'json'
  • 'relation'

For more details, see section on kinds below.


This represents the graphql "return type", which can be a primitive or a separate model (depending on the kind).


Will appear as description in the graphql schema.


If list is true the result is an array.


Will make the field required both in the graphql schema and in the database.


Will set this as default value in graphql mutations and in the database.


An array of fields that can then be used as parameters, e.g. if this field is implemented as a custom resolver.


Graphql directives for this field.


If true this will generate a primary key in the database.


If true this will generate a unique key in the database.


If true, this field will be available in the where parameter for queries of this entity.

E.g. with

name: 'Post',
fields: [
name: 'name',
type: 'String',
filterable: true

this becomes possible:

query {
posts(where: { name: "Hello World" }) {

With relations, this enables sub-filters, e.g. with

name: 'Comment',
fields: [
kind: 'relation',
name: 'post',
type: 'Post',
filterable: true

this becomes possible:

query {
comments(where: { post: { name: "Hello World" } }) {


Only relevant on relation fields. On true makes the reverse relation filterable.

E.g. with

name: 'Comment',
fields: [
name: 'post',
type: 'String',
reverseFilterable: true

this becomes possible:

query {
posts(where: { comments_SOME: { name: "Hello World" } }) {

Available filter postfixes are _SOME and _NONE.


On true makes the field searchable. Search always happens across all fields marked as searchable (only one has to match). Search is case insensitive.

E.g. with

name: 'Post',
fields: [
name: 'title',
type: 'String',
searchable: true
name: 'content',
type: 'String',
searchable: true


this becomes possible:

query {
posts(search: "Hello") {


On true makes the field available to the orderBy parameter.

E.g. with

name: 'Post',
fields: [
name: 'title',
type: 'String',
orderable: true

this becomes possible:

query {
posts(orderBy: [{ title: DESC }]) {


On true makes the field comparable.

E.g. with

name: 'Post',
fields: [
name: 'rating',
type: 'Int',
comparable: true

this becomes possible:

query {
posts(where: { rating_GTE 4 }) {

Available postfixes are:

  • _GT: greater than
  • _GTE: greater than or equal
  • _LT: less than
  • _LTE: less than or equal


true by default. If explicitly set to false, the field won't be queriable via graphql.

Also accepts an object that defines a list of roles to restrict access to specific roles.


If true this field will be available in the create mutation for the entity.

Also accepts an object that defines a list of roles to restrict creation to specific roles.


If true this field will be available in the update mutation for the entity.

Also accepts an object that defines a list of roles to restrict creation to specific roles.


Only available on relation fields. If toOne is true this marks a one-to-one relation, meaning that the reverse relation will not point to an array as is the default.


Only available on relation fiels. graphql-magic automatically generates a name for the reverse relation, e.g. for a Comment pointing to Post:

name: 'Comment',
fields: [
kind: 'relation',
name: 'post',
type: 'Post'

the reverse relation will automatically be Post.comments. With reverse this name can be overridden.


Only available on relation fields. Can be "cascade" (default) or "set-null".