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Code generation

graphql-magic generates a lot of utility code for you based on the models, in particular typescript types.

This can be done directly with npx gqm generate.

During the first run, the tool applies the following changes to the repo:

  • Generate .gqmrc.json file.
  • Add local database connection variables to .env file.
  • Add generated folder to .gitignore
  • Generate models.ts file (if not present).
  • Generate a basic get-me.ts example graphql query.
  • Generate the execute.ts file for the execution

With each application, it generates the following files in the configured "generated" folder:

  • schema.graphql - the schema of the api, for reference
  • models.json - the final models array, including generated fields such as "id","createdBy"... for reference
  • api/index.ts - the server-side model typescipt types
  • client/index.ts - the client-side typescript types for the provided queries
  • client/mutations.ts - standard mutation queries for all models
  • db/index.ts - types for data from/to the database
  • db/knex.ts - types to extend the knex query builder

Whenever the models have been changed, it is necessary regenerate this code. It is recommended to create a package.json script and to always generate code after install (or with npm run generate):

"scripts": {
"bootstrap": "npm ci && npm run generate",
"generate": "gqm generate"