Migration Guides
Upgrading to v17.2.0
From now on, foreign keys will be indexed by default. For existing projects, you'll need to add indices manually to your existing foreign keys.
Here's a sample script to generate the migration:
import { execSync } from 'child_process';
import { writeFileSync } from 'fs';
import { models } from '../../../src/config/models';
const start = async () => {
const instructions: string[] = [];
instructions.push(`import { Knex } from 'knex';
export const up = async (knex: Knex) => {`);
for (const model of models.entities) {
if (model.fields.some((field) => field.kind === 'relation')) {
instructions.push(`await knex.schema.alterTable('${model.name}', (table) => {`);
for (const field of model.fields) {
if (field.kind === 'relation') {
instructions.push(`table.index('${field.foreignKey || field.name + 'Id'}');`);
instructions.push(`export const down = async (knex: Knex) => {`);
for (const model of models.entities) {
if (model.fields.some((field) => field.kind === 'relation')) {
instructions.push(`await knex.schema.alterTable('${model.name}', (table) => {`);
for (const field of model.fields) {
if (field.kind === 'relation') {
instructions.push(`table.dropIndex('${field.foreignKey || field.name + 'Id'}');`);
writeFileSync('migrations/20250305130109_create-foreign-key-indices.ts', instructions.join('\n'));
execSync('npx eslint --fix migrations/20250305130109_create-foreign-key-indices.ts');
void start();